Previous MARS programmes


Semester 1

5 October: MARS Welcome Back Event, University Arms, Dart Room

19 October: Justin Winslett (SEAS), 'Changing Foxes: The Shapeshifter in Mediaeval Chinese tales'

2 November: Charlotte Steenbrugge (English), 'Master Brundyche of Braban & 15th-century Anti-Flemish Sentiment'

16 November: Alaric Hall (School of English/Institute of Medieval Studies, Leeds), 'A hairy woman gives birth to a bald child… Eggs, birds, mothers, and more in (mostly) early medieval Arabic, Hebrew, Norse, Latin and Greek riddles' (WRoCAH Medieval Seminar)

23 November: Christoph Haack (Tübingen) and Charles West (History), 'Feudalism in debate'

Semester 2

15 February: John Bennet (Arch), 'A 19th century institution operating in 21st century: Reflections on the activities of the British School at Athens past and present' - To be rescheduled for 2023-2024 due to UCU Industrial Action, Spring 2023

1 March: PGR Research Session - To be rescheduled for 2023-2024 due to UCU Industrial Action, Spring 2023

8 March: Paul Roberts (Ashmolean Museum), 'Last Supper in Pompeii: The Roman Love Affair with Food and Wine' 

29 March: Claire Burridge (Hist), 'Food for thought: Dietary advice and medical knowledge in the early medieval West

3 May: Sanja Vucetic (Arch), 'Sexual art on Roman lamps: a view from the provinces'

10 May: Decolonising the Study of the Pre-modern World Event/Book Launch for Mirela Ivanova (Hist) & Ben Anderson (Cornell)

24 May: Alice Hicklin (Hist), 'Family Values? Women and their Priestly Relatives in Western European Charters, 900–1100' - Rescheduled from 15 March due to UCU Industrial Action, Spring 2023


Semester 1

27 October: Julia Hillner (University of Bonn), 'Helena Augusta: an interrupted life'

17 November: Sharon Kinoshita (University of California, Santa Cruz), 'What's in a name? Boccaccio's Decameron in the Medieval Mediterranean'

24 November: Verena Krebs (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), 'Of monks and marriage proposals: Ethiopian pilgrims and ambassadors in Latin Europe in the 15th century'

8 December: PGR Research Session 

Semester 2

23 February: Sihong Lin (Hist), 'All Quiet on the Western Front? Latin Chronicles and the Roman-Persian War of 603–628'

9 March: PGR Research Session 

30 March: Alice Hicklin (Hist), 'Family Values? Women and their Priestly Relatives in Western European Charters, 900–1100' -- Cancelled due to UCU strike action in Sheffield, w/b 28 March

27 April: Paul Roberts (Ashmolean Museum): TBC : Cancelled - to be rescheduled in Autumn 2022.

11 May: Penny Coombe (Arch): Updated title! Cycling and sculpture at the limits of the Roman Empire’


Semester 1

14 October: Professor John Drinkwater (Arch), 'Sejanus, black-hearted villain or innocent victim of the paranoia of the emperor Tiberius?' (Jointly with the Classical Association to celebrate their Centenary in 2020)

11 November: Alexandra F. Johnston (University of Toronto), 'York City Entertainers'

9 December: Rowan Dorin (Stanford Univ.), 'Corpus Synodalium: Mapping Authority and Resistance in Late Medieval Church Law' 

Semester 2

10 February: Daisy Black (Wolverhampton), 'Death Eating: Food, Consumption and Sin in Medieval Drama'

10 March: PGR research session

24 March: British School at Athens North seminar

21 April: Tom Phillips (Manchester), 'Time and Again: Apollonius' Argonautica ' (Co-sponsored with the Classical Association) 

5 May: Liz Goodwin (York St John), 'Visual Culture and the Crafting of Communities: English Nuns and the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period' 

19 May: Paul Johnson (Arch), 'Conceptual geographies: exploring the articulation of urban spaces in the Provincial landscape of Roman Lusitania' (co-sponsored with the Hunter Society).