Occasional Events

SCEMS Masterclass with Prof. Martin Ingram (Oxford): Regulating Sex in Shakespearean London

Friday 21 October, 10h00-12h00; in person. 

Registration required

Room TBC

For more information and to sign up for this event, click here to register via Eventbrite.

British School at Athens North seminar

Wednesday 24th March 2021, 4:15pm

Cohosted by the BSA and MARCUS. Register to attend here:


Charlotte Van Regenmortel (Liverpool) Fighting for a Great Transformation? Paid Military Service and the Hellenistic Economies’

Michael Loy (Assistant Director, British School Athens) ‘Innovation and Tradition: Digital Resources of the British School at Athens’

History Seminar, Tuesday 1st December 2020, 4.15pm: 

The Slow Mediterranean: Thinking Harder about the Connectivity of Things, People and Information in the Ancient World

Greg Woolf (Institute for Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, London) with Chris Mowat (Sheffield)

Medieval Reading Group (2019-20)

Are you studying languages, literatures or history and want to extend your knowledge to the medieval period? Join our group to discuss everything there is to know, from language to history and culture, philosophy and food!

No prior knowledge of dead languages required, as translations are provided.

Meeting every three weeks on Tuesdays at 5pm in Jessop West SR01


08 October: Medieval Stereotypes and Medicine

29 October: Marriage

19 November: Death

10 December: Animals


18 February

10 March

31 March

12 May

For more information and to sign up to our mailing list contact

Josh - jsjbengough-smith1@sheffield.ac.uk

Isabel - isrichardson1@sheffield.ac.uk


Find us on Twitter @GroupMedieval

Thursday 11th July 2019, 10-11.30, Jessop West, G03.

John Joseph Gallagher will be visiting the University on 11th-12th July on a short-term visiting postdoctoral fellowship. John recently received his PhD on the Bible in Anglo-Saxon England from the University of St Andrews and is keen to apply for postdoctoral fellowships based in Sheffield. He’ll be giving an informal presentation on his research on Thursday 11th July, 10-11.30, Jessop West, G03. Please do come along him, meet him, and join in the discussion (there will be plenty of time for Q&A). Biscuits will be provided, but bring your own hot drinks